Web Wallet

The Pyrin Web Wallet provides an easy and a secure way to interact with the Pyrin network. This guide covers all functions of the Web Wallet.

Navigate to https://wallet.pyrin.network/ in your browser to get access to the Web Wallet.

Always make sure you are only using this specific address to access your web wallet.

Creating and managing the Wallet

To create the new wallet click “New wallet” button.

Wallet will provide you with 24 word seed phrase. This is your key to the wallet and to your coins in it. Keep it safe and do not loose it, never show these words to anyone. Remember that no one will be able to help you to access the wallet if the seed phrase is lost.

Click “Next” button once you have seed phrase secured.

Wallet will now offer to choose the right words from the seed phrase to check that you have it saved. Choose the right corresponding word three times to be able to proceed.

If successful, you will be offered to create a password for your new wallet.

Fill in the password twice and press “Create wallet” button.

Now you have created your wallet for Pyrin. You can see your “receive address” with a copy button and QR code for it.

Send tab will lead to sending screen. Input address you want to send to, amount to send and press “send” button. Make sure you leave some small amount for gas on the wallet.

Transactions tab will show transactions once once you start sending and receiving coins with this wallet.

Settings (Network) tab shows general information about the nework.

Settings (Backup seed) tab allows to backup your seed phrase, export Wallet as an encrypted JSON file, import Wallet from encrypted JSON file and copy Wallet as a content of encrypted JSON file.

Settings (Account) tab allows to export your transactions as a .csv file an clear storage (delete the Web Wallet from the browser). Note: you will need seed phrase to import the wallet again if you clear the storage.

Settings (Donation) tab contains donation address for those who want to donate to the project.

These buttons in the top right corner will allow you to switch between several wallets and to exit wallet and lock it with password.

Importing Wallet from a seed phrase and adding multiple wallets

In order to import the wallet you need to click “Import wallet” button on your wallet home screen.

Wallet will offer you to enter your 24 word seed phrase.

Once entered the seed phrase press “Access Wallet” button. You will be offered to enter the password for the new wallet. Note: you can toggle "Auto complete" on to make input of the words easier and faster

Now you have two wallets and can switch between them.

You can access any of those wallets by clicking on it and entering your wallet password.

You can toggle "Hide/Show balance" on/off to show or hide wallet balances on the home screen.

Important note: Each time you create new wallet it is recommended to send a small amount of coins to it and from it to make sure everything is working correctly.

Last updated