➖Mining to a pool
This section of the documentation will describe a process of mining of Pyrin to a pool.
Do not forget to create Pyrin Wallet first and obtain your address. You will need it to start mining.
In order to mine to a pool you need to choose the desired pool first. You can choose the one you like here.
We will be using Pyrin Community Pool as an example.
Download and run miner software on your computer
Here are examples of arguments for Lolminer and Rigel miner:
lolMiner.exe --algo PYRINV2 --pool west.eu.pyrin.network:1500 --user pyrin:qzn54t6vpasykvudztupcpwn2gelxf8y9p84szksr73me39mzf69uaalnymtx.Worker11
rigel.exe -a pyrinhashv2 -o stratum+tcp://west.eu.pyrin.network:1500 -w Worker11 -u pyrin:qzn54t6vpasykvudztupcpwn2gelxf8y9p84szksr73me39mzf69uaalnymtx
Page with mining stats can be found here: https://explorer.pyrin.network/miner/pyrin:qzn54t6vpasykvudztupcpwn2gelxf8y9p84szksr73me39mzf69uaalnymtx Just replace the
address with your wallet address to access your mining stats on the pool.
You can find a list of suggested overclocking settings on Hashrate.no
Last updated