Stratum bridge

This section of the documentation describes Stratum bridge usage.

In order to mine to your own node you will need a Stratum bridge to act as an intermediary between the node and the miner software.

Download Stratum bridge

Compiled versions are currently provided for Windows and Linux. MacOS users can build from source code from GitHub by following instructions in Readme file. Latest compiled release of the Stratum bridge can be downloaded here Unarchive the downloaded package to the desired folder.

Running Stratum bridge

Navigate to the folder where you have Pyrin Stratum bridge. You can run it with "by default" parameters by double clicking the executable file (py_bridge.exe on Windows or py_bridge on Linux)

Pyrin Stratum bridge release version goes with config.yaml file that contains different launch parameters and can be edited in any text editor.

Launching Stratum bridge with parameters

To launch Stratum bridge with parameters different from default ones navigate to the folder where you have unarchived Stratum bridge to and open config.yaml file with any text editor.

These are parameters that can be changed:

  • stratum_listen_port: - the port that will be listening for incoming stratum traffic

  • stratum_port: - the port that will be used to accept incoming connections from the miners. Default value is stratum_port: :5555

  • pyrin_address: - address/port of the rpc server for pyrin. Default value is localhost:13110 if the node is running on another machine use IP address of that machine and correspondent port number, for example for a local network or for a node in global network. Default port for mainnet is 13110, can be different for testnet nodes.

  • min_share_diff: - only accept shares of the specified difficulty (or higher) from the miner(s). Higher values will reduce the number of shares submitted, thereby reducing network traffic and server load, while lower values will increase the number of shares submitted, thereby reducing the amount of time needed for accurate hashrate measurements. Default value is min_share_diff: 4

  • block_wait_time: - time to wait since last new block message from Pyrin before manually requesting a new block. Default value is block_wait_time: 500ms

  • extranonce_size: - size in bytes of extranonce, from 0 (no extranonce) to 3. With no extranonce (0), all clients will search through the same nonce-space, therefore performing duplicate work unless the miner(s) implement client side nonce randomizing. More bytes allow for more clients with unique nonce-spaces (i.e. no overlapping work), but reduces the per client overall nonce-space (though with 1s block times, this shouldn't really be a concern). 1 byte = 256 clients, 2 bytes = 65536, 3 bytes = 16777216. Default value is extranonce_size: 0

  • print_stats: - if true will print stats to the console, false just workers joining/disconnecting, blocks found, and errors will be printed. Default value is print_stats: true

  • log_to_file: - if true logs will be written to a file local to the executable. Default value is log_to_file: true

  • prom_port: - if this is specified prometheus will serve stats on the port provided # see readme for summary on how to get prom up and running using docker you can get the raw metrics (along with default golang metrics) using curl http://localhost:{prom_port}/metrics Note :PORT format is needed if not specifying a specific IP range. Default value is prom_port: :2114

You can apply changes to these parameters by editing and saving changes to config.yaml file. Once changes are saved Pyrin Stratum bridge can be launched as described in the beginning of this section.

Last updated